My work

A compiled list of works I have done, ranging from school work and personal projects to contributions to open-source projects.

Featured works

sep. 2020 - dec. 2020

3D FPS Game: Roar of War Machines

A 3D singleplayer first person shooter where the player is constantly fighting against infinite waves of robots, featuring two maps, ragdoll physics, multiple weapons, procedural animations and more.

Active since 2017

DDraceNetwork Game

DDraceNetwork (DDNet) is an actively maintained version of DDRace, a Teeworlds modification with a unique cooperative gameplay.


WebGL water shader and terrain generation

A very parameterizable procedural terrain generation with shaders for its rendering, lighting, skybox and water. This was a school project which focused on the water shader.


Wrecking Brawl Game

A 3D car-smashing online multiplayer game made with Unity, featuring friends, a lobby system, custom games, particle effects, customization and more!


Other works

📦 There is no more work here for the moment...